From Company to Republic: Short History of Corruption Eradication Archives in Indonesia
Be introduced to the Corruption Eradication Archives From the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC) Era to the Era of the Republic of Indonesia
Corruption in Indonesia has long been present and has become part of Indonesian history. The word “corruption” comes from Latin and means damage or depravity and is also used to designate a rotten state or act. Based on a study by Abdullah written in the International Journal of Law; Environment, and Natural Resources (INJURLENS) Juridical Study of Corruption Crime in Indonesia: A Comparative Study (2022), Indonesian corruption has been going on for a long time. This paper provides information on what archives can be used as research material related to eradicating corruption. This study uses the historical method, which includes heuristics, sources, material criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Data collection techniques used archive studies in the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia and literature studies in the form of literature sourced from books and scientific works from various sources. The results of this study to show that the Indonesian people know what archives are related to the corruption eradication archives stored by the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI).
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