Archives Repositioning: Unveiled the Fact, Archives is Information
archives, data, information, knowledge, wisdomAbstract
This work starts with a very simple question, where do archives position in DIKW pyramid? To know the answer, researcher using an SLR method, with kitchenhamm approach. Other thing, researcher reffer to Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom hierarchy or known as piramid of knowledge, the purpose of doing so is to avoid terminology bias.
From that method, researcher found 16 literatures as reference for extraction and sintetycally analized. Boolean string use also being done for simplifying literature filtering from 5 availiable digital database, which is science direct, ACM, Digutal Library, Jstor, Springer and Portal Garuda. The result of this research is only 1 from 16 literatures which consider archives as data, while 15 other literatues consider archives as information in formation knowledge pyramid and decisions making process.
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