Managing Personal Files: Lessons Learned from Marriage of Soekarno and Inggit Garnasih
Documents, personal document, document management, marriage cerificate, divorce certificateAbstract
The aim of the study is to identify personal archives management with a case study of documentation of marriage letter archives - divorce letter of ir. soekarno and inggit garnasih. The study used a qualitative approach with a literature review method. Data was collected from documentation and observation. Personal archives management perspective, documentation of marriage letter archives - divorce letter of Soekarno and Inggit: 1) as evidence that contains event marriage-divorce witnessed and legalized by officials; 2) Manage and preserve for through lamination to avoid damage; 3) Has informational value (research needs) and intrinsic value (archival age and word usage); 4) Have historical value so that it can be given to the archival institution. individuals, families, and organizations need to manage their archives to prevent archives from being damaged, even losing a archive. Archives need to be arranged so they can easily be retrieved.
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