FamArch (Family Archive) Innovation Management of Digital-Based Active Family Record
Indonesia as one of the countries in Southeast Asia is known to be rich in various natural resources and human resources. In addition, Indonesia is also experiencing technological progress by entering digital disruption. The existence of technological sophistication in this modern era can be an innovation to help human work, for example in the field of archives. One of the innovations from researchers is in the field of active family archives through the digital-based FamArch (Family Archive) application. The purpose of this research is to know the digitization process, how to operate the features in the FamArch application, to find out the advantages and disadvantages, and maintenance in the FamArch application. The type of research used is qualitative research. Data collection techniques using literature studies and data analysis techniques are qualitative. The result of this research is that FamArch can be an innovation in digitizing active family archives. This is evident from the results of research showing that family archives can be managed digitally through FamArch so that family records can be organized systematically.
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