Processing Photograph Inactive Records of Library and Archives Agency of Ponorogo


  • Silvi Sitaviana Diponegoro University



Inactive Photo Archive, Archive Retrieval, Ponorogo Regency Library and Archives Service


Archives are vital in life. Even without us realizing it, every day we create archives in every activity. The Ponorogo Regency Library and Archives Service itself has archives of papers, photographs and sound recordings and the topic of research by researchers is inactive photo archives. The volume of inactive photo archives is quite a lot and has not been processed due to a lack of human resources. This research was conducted in March 2022. The research method used is a qualitative method with data collection techniques including literature studies, observations, and interviews. The analytical method used by researchers is qualitative. From the results of the discussion above, it can be concluded that there are 7 stages in processing inactive photo archives at the Ponorogo Regency Library and Archives Service. Processing supporting factors are 2 factors while processing inhibiting factors are 2 factors. Retrieval of inactive photo archives is carried out using description cards made in Microsoft Excel which have been printed to make archive retrieval easier.


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How to Cite

Sitaviana, S. (2023). Processing Photograph Inactive Records of Library and Archives Agency of Ponorogo. Jurnal Kearsipan, 18(2).